Orders usually take 4-6 business days from shipment date to be delivered. Just because you receive an email saying your item was shipped does not necessarily mean it will be shipped that day; it just means the order was processed for shipment. Orders usually take 2 business days to be processed and shipped.
We currently use the following shipping processes.:
- USPS: First class 2-5 business days transit
Returns and Exchanges
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may make a return within 30 days of the original purchase date to receive a full refund of any full priced product. Returns attempted after 30 days are eligible for exchange to receive a gift card for the returned amount as compensation within 30 days.
To receive a return or exchange, the following conditions must be met :
- All apparel items must be returned new, unworn, unwashed, unaltered, and with all original tags attached.
- Footwear must be returned in original packaging and show minimal wear on the sole.
There are no returns allowed on clearance merchandise.
Socks, hosiery, and undergarments are all final sale and are not eligible for return or exchange.
To return or exchange an item, please contact Put either Return or Exchange in the subject line. In the body of the email, have the name of the item as found on packing slip, and any distinguishing color or size. Also include the reason for return, and if you would like to make an exchange, include the item or items of similar value that you'd like to exchange your item for.
We hope to resolve any and all issues as quickly as possible to ensure customer satisfaction.
Call 406-541-4766 or email with any questions concerning returns or exchanges.